Build America 2009: Camp Spearhead

Our second day here at Camp Spearhead was an exciting and busy one. We woke again at 7:15 a.m. and had a great breakfast (French Toast!) before heading out again to the worksite at the new camp location. In the humidity and early morning heat of upstate South Carolina, we continued our progress toward leveling the pathway to the shooting range, and around lunchtime we had enough of the trail complete to haul our lumber and tools to the construction site to begin work there.

The afternoon was spent in much the same way, with one group laying posts for the shooting platform, one group continuing trail work, and a third team beginning work on a split-rail fence that will run along the length of the 500 foot path. The team worked hard, and we were all thankful for a small break when a summer rainstorm ended our day early by about 30 minutes.

After returning to camp, drying off, taking a nap and eating a great dinner, we loaded the bus and headed to nearby Greenville, SC, for a friendship visit at the bowling alley. The team paired up with local patrons of Camp Spearhead who shared a few rounds of bowling with us. We all had a great time and made some new friends, and when the games were over, Build America presented their grant to Marty of Camp Spearhead and we said our goodbyes to our new buddies.

The last week of the trip is flying by, and I can’t wait for arrival. This summer has been a phenomenal experience, both in terms of making new friends within the fraternity and impacting the world in such a positive way. I’m excited to be done, but sad that the journey is almost over.

I love camp,

Andrew Crain
Missouri State University

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