Build America 2006: Camp ASCCA

One of everyone’s favorite things about this camp in particular was how appreciate everyone was of Pi Kappa Phi. Because of the longstanding relationship the organization has had with Camp ASCCA, everyone knew what we were there to do, and loved it when we finished so many wonderful projects.

The team got to enjoy another check presentation today by Project Manager Brad Collier, which always brings smiles to many faces. It is great to see our hard work in fundraising paying off in the smiles on campers and staffers faces alike when they hear how much we donate to camp.

At camp it is hard to pick a favorite thing to do, but if you asked almost every team member what their favorite camp program is, it would definitely be the camp dance. The anticipation had been building all week with love notes read aloud in the dining hall daily between campers. Needless to say, everyone at camp was very excited for the big night. As everyone donned their best outfits for the dance, the team strolled over to the dining hall in our stunning gray team shirts to boogie down.

Even in the air conditioning of the dining hall at camp, I and teammate Brian Holloway still managed to have a sweat contest while dancing the night away. The rules of the contest are simple: whoever sweats the most in his gray team shirt because of dancing so much wins. Everyone agreed that Brian won this round hands down.

As the dance wound down, the team got to enjoy a rousing southern edition of “Sweet Home Alabama” and a final singing of the Camp ASCCA good night song. Even though we made several improvements to camp over the week, it was still hard to believe that we have to leave this magical place tomorrow.

Andrew Green

Delta Delta chapter – Truman State University