Beta Theta Associate Chapter Attends Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers

There they bonded as a team of brothers and learned crucial skills to continue to move this chapter forward, both in their own positions, as well as being to delegate tasks for the remainder of the chapter. Our Chapter Officers include: Michael Fischer (Archon), Brandon Seth (Vice Archon), Stephen Francis (Treasurer), Eduardo Espinoza (Secretary), Daniel Lefky (Warden), Scott Lynch (Historian), Tyler Ocasio-Pare (Chaplain), Andrew Gowey (Risk Management Officer), Zach Sanwick (Philanthropy Chairman), and Dylan Jacovo (Standards Board Chairman).

The Beta Theta chapter is very excited for the roads that will follow in becoming a chapter once again, and growing closer in brotherhood. We, not only are excited for the spring recruitment that takes place is in the week of the 23rd-28th of January but for the remainder of the semester and year. We stride each and every day to become exceptional leaders and to benefit the world around us.