Alpha Omicron alumnus Warren Madden retires after 50 years at Iowa State

Warren MaddenMadden was a 1961 ISU industrial engineering grad and had embarked on a career in industry and was mulling law school when he returned to Iowa State in 1966 at the request of Iowa State University Vice President Wayne Moore.

“One of the faculty members that was teaching when I was an undergraduate student was my predecessor, Wayne Moore,” Madden said.

“Wayne had been a professor at a time when the university had only 8,000 students, so I had gotten to know him. I had just finished up my graduate studies at the University of Chicago, and Wayne called to ask if I would be interested in coming back out here to Iowa State. He had been promoted to vice president and needed someone to work in his area. My wife had started a graduate degree and hadn’t finished it, so we thought we would come back for a couple of years, and two years eventually turned into 50. And for us, it’s been a good decision. It’s been a great experience at a great institution working with great people,” he said.

Madden became the first contracts and grants officer. He then was appointed vice president for business and finance of Iowa State University in 1984 and in 2012 became the senior vice president for business and finance. During more than 50 years he has served Iowa State as senior vice president, vice president, treasurer, associate vice president, assistant vice president, and contracts and grants officer.

Regarding Madden’s plans for retirement he said, “I used to play golf. Maybe I’ll get back at that. My wife and I have a bucket list of some things we would like to do. We would like to do some international travel,” Madden said. “Australia and New Zealand are on our bucket list. One of the things we have done over the past 20 years and have enjoyed doing is bicycling in Europe. As our health continues on we will continue to look at doing some of that.”

Madden did say he intends to stay in Ames though, thanks in part to the community.

“We like the seasons that come in Iowa. Sure, there are moments when cold weather and winter are an issue, but I don’t find it to be unlivable by and large. I like the seasonal changes. Our plan is to stay in this environment. Ames is a great community.”

Best of luck to brother Warren Madden as he enjoys his retirement after 50 years at Iowa State University.