Our Mission
Our Vision
Our Public Values
Famous Pi Kapps
Many exceptional leaders, creators, philanthropists, athletes, and innovators are Pi Kapps.
Alabama lead singer, Randy Owen | Delta Epsilon (Jacksonville State)
Baseball Hall-of-Famer, Tommy Lasorda | Member-at-large
Former US Senator, Howard Baker | Alpha Sigma (Tennessee)
Great American novelist, Thomas Wolfe | Kappa (University of North Carolina)
All Notable & Famous Pi Kapps
Servant Leadership in Action
Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, our National Headquarters is the administrative home to the four entities that make up our greater fraternity: Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, the Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, Pi Kappa Phi Properties and The Ability Experience. Within the walls of the Kelley A. Bergstrom Leadership Center, the national staff works to serve the needs of our fraternity chapters, as well as keep our organizational energy flowing in a consistent, meaningful direction.
Learn MoreThe Student Creed
I believe that the ideal chapter is made up of men
Who are bound together in a common loyalty
which transcends any personal selfishness;
Who realize that membership means personal responsibility
in bearing their share of the financial burden
of the chapter and the national organization;
Who bring credit to the fraternity by striving to attain
the highest possible standards of scholarship;
Who safeguard the reputation of their chapter
by keeping careful watch over their personal conduct;
Who uphold faithfully the traditions
and activities of their college;
Who prepare themselves diligently to shoulder their
full responsibility as citizens;
I believe that my chapter can become an ideal chapter,
and I shall do my share to make it so.