A Founders’ Day Message

It is a moment to thank those who have guided and assisted us on our journey, often impacting our lives in ways they will never know. But most importantly, Founders’ Day is a chance to reflect on the true meaning of Pi Kappa Phi and to recommit to our common purpose — an uncommon and lifelong brotherhood; a future where every brother puts service before self; a call to improve the world around us.

One hundred eleven years after our founding, the world has never needed Pi Kappa Phi more than it does today. Our colleges and universities have never needed our chapters to exemplify the principles of Nu Phi — “non-fraternity,” as our founders so eloquently penned — than they do right now. The interfraternal community has never needed Pi Kappa Phi’s leadership more than it does at this moment. Our society has never needed men of integrity committed to serving others, rather than themselves, more than at this pivotal time in history.

This Founders’ Day, I am not just thankful for all that Pi Kappa Phi has given me since my initiation in 1976; I am also reminded of the oath I took that night — the solemn vow I made to do my share to make my chapter an ideal chapter; and to lead and serve others for the betterment of the community around me. I am reminded of my lifelong obligation to our uncommon brotherhood and am dedicated to living those ideals on a daily basis.

Today, I am rededicating myself to the ideals and values of our founders and to what National President Tracy Maddux so aptly described as our call to be uncommon. It’s a challenge I accept, not just for myself or for our fraternity, but for a world that needs the kind of servant leaders Pi Kappa Phi creates. As you join together with your brothers today, I challenge you to do the same.

Happy Founders’ Day and God bless our fraternity!
