At Pi Kappa Phi’s 2024 Pi Kapp College for Chapter Officers events, which brought undergraduate officers from across the country together in Birmingham, Pittsburgh and Dallas, chapters that demonstrated excellence or great improvement in numerous areas in 2023, such as governance, financial integrity, member education, recruitment and retention, living the ritual and student experience were recognized.
As a highlight of the ceremony, Pi Kappa Phi’s highest awards for undergraduate chapters, Champion Master Chapters and Founders’ Awards were handed out. To be named a Champion Master Chapter in 2023 and, therefore, a finalist for the Founders’ Award, chapters must have achieved a composite score of “three stars” on the organization’s Seven Objectives Report. The Founders’ Award recognizes only the most outstanding Pi Kappa Phi chapters in the nation; recipients of this award must display overall excellence in each of the Seven Objectives: governance, growth, member experience, branding and communication, scholarship, service and philanthropy and campus involvement.
We congratulate our 2023 award recipients and hope to see continued excellence from our undergraduate chapters in 2024.