Throughout the weekend they were able to attend countless seminars describing their roles in the chapter as well as learning new leadership strategies to positively influence the fraternity as a whole. Along with the new knowledge gained, the men also had the opportunity to meet and brainstorm new ideas with Pi Kapps from across the West. With the spring semester starting up, the EC members have high hopes for the upcoming year and are looking forward to working together to better their chapter. The bar has been set high as the men of Theta Sigma took home numerous awards from the past year such as:
– Outstanding Recruitment Program
– Outstanding Member Experience
– Outstanding Ability Experience Event
– Excellence in Advising
– Silver Chapter (for fundraising more than $100 per active member)
– Four Master Chapter Awards:
– Governance
– Member experience
– Scholarship
– Campus involvement
Listed left to right: Trevor Davis (Risk Manager), Ray Daou (Secretary), JohnPaul Kouri (Historian), Joey McClure (Warden), Skyler Minard (Vice Archon), Brian Schwartz (Archon), Jacob Palsma (Treasurer), Rabih Fakhoury (Standing in for Fillip Shaposhnik as Standards), Wayne Camp (Chaplain), and Justin Dobszewicz (Philanthropy Chair)