Saturday, August 12th 2023
8:00 AM
Flagg Creek Golf Course
6939 Wolf Road
Countryside, IL 60525
Cost: $45 (to walk)
Pull Carts: $4/person
Electric Carts: $10/ person
Questions? Please contact Nat Gombis
Feel free to pay by Zelle, Paypal, or check to
Nathanael Gombis
If we can get 56 people, and 14 tee times, we can do a shotgun start. This would allow us to start and end at the same time. Please invite your fraternity brothers, friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.
We will again be selling mulligans, and doing a skins game, along with a gift bag, prizes for Blind Bogey, low score, low putts, long drive, and long putt.
Lastly, we will be doing an auction again. Everyone please bring at least one item to donate. Feel free to bring more, if you like. Even if you can’t make it out this year, you can help us with our fundraising goal by donating items for the auction, asking local businesses for donations, or making cash donations to the event.
Last year we raised $2,800 for Pi Kappa Phi and The Ability Experience. Thanks to everyone who participated and donated. It would be great if we could double that amount this year!